
Elevate your expertise by becoming a certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator. Join our comprehensive 12-hour training program based on over 40 years of research and expertise. Empower couples for lifelong connection.

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Transforming Relationships: Unlocking lasting love with the power of PREPARE/ENRICH

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I wish to introduce to you the Prepare/Enrich - a training manual that has been very helpful in my work as a Marriage and Family Therapist. This manual, which is based on over 40 years of research and experience, has empowered many relationships and individuals to recognize and develop needed skills for healthy relationships. It is also a very effective material and process for Pre- and Post-Marital Counselling.

PREPARE/ENRICH is the leader in equipping therapists, pastors, and other marriage advocates to have a positive impact on couples by using evidence-based information and resources.

Our trusted P/E Assessment illuminates each couple’s unique dynamics and provides powerful and meaningful insights, giving P/E Certified Facilitators the edge in supporting couples at every stage of their relationship. Using assessment results, feedback tools, and resources, Certified Facilitators confidently guide couples toward creating relationships filled with joy, vitality, and resilience.

A 12-hour training session, delivered with several options to choose from:

4 Hours per Day for 3 Days

Certification Available

6 Hours per Day for 2 Days

Certification Available

1 Hour Zoom Sessions for 5 Days

plus 1-day (6 hours) Certification Session

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PREPARE/ENRICH training offers several benefits. Some of which include:


Identify strength and growth areas
Explore personality traits
Strengthen communication skills
Discuss roles and responsibilities
Resolve conflicts and reduce stress
Understand family backgrounds
Comfortably discuss finances.
Establish personal and couple goals, etc.


Facilitator and Couple Reports filled with customized insights at-a-glance
More than 20 exercises to help couples understand their results, gain insights into their relationship, and develop new skills
Resources to deliver results directly with couples, in groups, as a marriage mentor, or with an entire congregation or organization
Training videos and feedback resources
Marketing and promotional materials
Referral network inclusion on the P/E website here

" The teaching sessions were engaging and allowed for full participation. The counseling was specific with clear objectives, making progress evaluation easy. Excited to improve my counseling skills with more couples.


1. How long does certification last?

Once you have completed the training and have been recommended, you are certified for a lifetime. Fees: Training as Certified Facilitator is Gh¢1,200.00. Training without Certification is Gh¢250.00.

2.   Will I have access to the materials from the training?  

Yes, you will receive a Resource Kit at the workshop and then will have access to additional resources and videos on our website.

3. After certification, is there additional or on-going training available?

Yes, as a Certified Facilitator you have access to a secure login where additional training is available.

4. Are there different assessments based on religion or phase of relationship (newly engaged, married 5+ years)?

The assessment can be used with couples in any stage of their relationship. It customizes for various stages of relationships (dating, engaged or married) as well as faith based, cohabitation, parenting, blended families, military and more.

5. I work with groups, is there specific content on how to facilitate groups?

Yes, for an additional fee, there is a Group Leader Instructor’s Guide with session outlines and PowerPoint slides.
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